How it Works
The World Scholarship Foundation is building a reward system that will incentivize students based on their grades and acquirement of diplomas or certificates certified by reputed and recognized educational institutions across the world. Currently, the foundation has created the basics of the system which is the launch of the main cryptocurrency called Scholarship Coin (SCHO 2.0).
Scholarship Coin (SCHO 2.0): SCHO 2.0 is a mineable cryptocurrency that will be mined and purchased by the Foundation and stored in its treasury to be used as a collateral standard supply to establish the Scholarship Stable Coin to the value of the U. S . dollar. Anyone who wants to mine SCHO can mine as many coins as they possible can. Just like bitcoin.
The SCHOUSD will be the stable coin used in the system to reward the performance of students.
The S C H O 2.0 and S C H O U S D will be m a d e available on exchanges. Students will then be able to make purchases online or exchange their rewarded stable coins for whatever other cryptocurrency or fiat they wish to exchange their coins for.
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